The flavor is downright unpleasant, and I wish that was all I needed to say before moving on. Sweetness pounds on your poor tongue as soon as you first tilt back the aluminum transport, ace-k and sucralose taking too much control over mouthfuls. It subjugates with its surplus of strangling saccharinity, suffocating everything else with a sardonic sting of synthetic sugars. Once your palate moves past the aforementioned malaise, you find an injured blue raspberry definition, lacking acidity to brighten it beyond just tasting "sweet." Carbonation is equally deaf, a flat effervescence that bubbles just enough to keep quaffs from resembling tap water. It is completely one-note experience, with no sense of momentum; sips crash onto your tastebuds only to immediately die and rot through.
The buzz, however, is spot-on. Thanks to 300 milligrams of caffeine, with several vitamins and amino acids, the kick lasts just over three and a half hours. In the end, G Fuel Ragin' Gummy Fish demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of how to construct a competent energy drink. Sure, it is potent, but at what cost? Awful visuals and an even worse flavor.
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