Sunday, March 22, 2009

Stoked Juiced Tropical Orange Review

Today I'm gonna try a new style for this review. Like myself, many other energy drink review web logs use the "Taste, Kick, etc." category style, but some use the less popular style of not labeling it or putting it in to categories. So today I'm gonna use the less popular style. Now, I don't plan on permanently changing my reviewing ways, but if I find it easier to write and the readers find it clearer and easier to read, I'll consider it. Anyway, on to the review. The Stoked line of energy drinks is one of the best lines of energy drinks since GURU, so it's a shame to see it come to an end. It seems every time I find a great line of energy drinks the line goes by like that. 'Tis a shame. Stoked Juiced Tropical Orange comes in the standard colour for juice energy drinks now a days, orange. The orange doesn't work too well with the bad ass dragon on the can. Why orange with a dragon? It doesn't make sense. Overall, the can's below decent.

I opened the can and was hit with the standard energy juice smell, maybe a little less rough. I took a sip and was hit by a surprisingly light sparkling orange flavour that is neither too tart or too sweet. It's different from most energy juices because its not a mix of juice concentrates, but instead focuses more on the orange flavour. I do taste some mango in there, but most of the flavour is left to the orange. There's also a mildly unnoticeable white grape flavour in there too, but comes out more towards the end and doesn't last long. Overall, the flavours actually very good, beating out most energy juices, but I have to say its my least favorite Stoked energy drink.

After downing the can I immediately felt more awake and had more energy. The juice made me feel healthy and the lack of HFCS helped the buzz last a good four plus hours and give no crash. Each can contains seventy% juice, 180% or Riboflavin, 200% of Niacin, 160mg of caffeine, 500% of Vit. B6, and 2000mg of Taurine. All in all, I feel that Stoked Orange is the worst in the series, but then again, that's an honor all on its own. Overall, I have to say I'm wildly impressed with the Stoked Energy line. Each drink, while some not as good as others, were a unique take on common flavours and generally a fun experience. It's sad that the line is coming to an end. Some could say that Stoked Sugar Free is still left un-reviewed by me, but I don't usually count sugar free energy drinks as "energy drinks." I'm more of a high calorie, full sugar kind of guy.

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