FIRST IMPRESSION: The can to Cocaine consists of a red background and white text. Though the text is minimal, I don't like the can. First off, I don't understand how the can is tied in with the drug cocaine. Perhaps if the can had a drug dealer or the logo was among some white powder in a small bag it would fit, but for now it just looks incomplete. Despite not being a fan of the can I am extremely excited to try and review Cocaine. With 280mg of caffeine I'm glowing with excitement.
TASTE: I opened the can and the smell of peach was unleashed. Not what I was expecting from such a hardcore drink. The flavour starts out a blend of cherry, pear and peach. None of these fruit flavours are all too noticeable as a burning sensation creeps into the back of your throat. The sensation greatly differs from Stoked Afterburn because Stoked had more of a flavour and the sensation was more of an after effect, where as in Cocaine the sensation is bold, almost fierce. This "effect" lasts quite some time after each sip, and gradually decreases in strength. There are some notes of apple and cinnamon through out the taste, but the sensation prevents them from reaching their full potential. Overall, my reaction to the flavour of Cocaine is mixed. While I really do love the burning sensation, the initial flavour isn't quite as unique.
KICK: Each can contains: Carbonated Water, Dextrose, Citric Acid, Taurine, 280mg of Caffeine, Natural Flavors, D-Ribose, Inositol, Vitamin C, L-Camitine, Guarana, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12. This blend of ingredients gave me a really great buzz. For around four hours I was wide awake and had quite a bit of energy. Once the four hours was gone I was noticeably less awake, but it wasn't sudden enough to qualify as a "crash."
FINAL WERD: All in all, Cocaine is an above average energy drink. Though the can was full of untapped potential, the taste and kick were rewarding and the overall experience was satisfying. The taste was interesting and done well and the kick delivered what was promised, a powerful kick with no crash. While Cocaine is by no means the greatest energy drink of all time, as the negatives are hard to look past, I can see it appearing in the runner up category. Though there are a few cracks in Cocaine, overall I'm impressed and it is worth a purchase...3.9/5
official site
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