FIRST IMPRESSION: I like the can of 24:7 Green Apple more than the original. While the basic design is the same, I feel the light green conveys more energy than the dark green. I also feel the can looks more complete. The original had such an empty can that it looked more like a prototype than a finished product. Though I prefer Green Apple's can, I do think that the little apple icon is out of place. It's too cartoon-y for an otherwise mature can.
TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour begins an adequate faux Granny Smith apple taste. Initially, the apple is quite strong, but it quickly wanes, leaving a water like finish and the aftertaste of fresh apple with the skin. The water like finish is the sweetest part of the flavour, though the rest of the experience is still quite sugary. I didn't find it overbearing, though, as green apples are naturally high in sweetness. 24:7 Green Apple left a sugar film in my mouth, but it didn't taste syrupy, and instead like you've eaten too many fresh apples. PriLabs really got the sweetness down when they formulated this drink. Tartness is something noticeably present when talking about Granny Smith apples, but PriLabs didn't quite get it right. It's a bit uneven a parts, distracting the focus of the experience from apple to tartness. Overall, 24:7 Green Apple's taste is really quite impressive, and a huge step above 24:7 original. While not as good as the other apple energy drinks I've had, in a bare flavour category, it's a worthy addition.
KICK: Each can contains: Taurine, 160mg of Caffeine, 100% of your daily intake of Pantothenic Acid, 160% of your daily intake of Vit. B12, 200% of your daily intake of Niacin, and 500% of your daily intake of Vit. B6. Unsurprisingly, the buzz is the weakest part of 24:7 Green Apple. While initially I felt alive and jittery, it didn't last long, around two hours, and it ended in a crash. But, it wasn't like I was expecting anything better.
FINEL WARD: To be blunt, 24:7 Green Apple is a huge improvement over 24:7 Original. While I'm not saying this is a drink that everyone should try to find, for what it is, it's an above average energy drink. I was by no means disappointed with 24:7 Apple, really only surprised. I had no idea the flavour was going to be a worthy rival to Slap Crisp Apple. The can was also a large improvement over the original, even though little was done to it. It was simple, yet rather refined. The only real problem with 24:7 Green was the kick. It clocked in at around two hours, which by no means is impressive. Until the revolutionary day where they can grow caffeinated apples, drinks like 24:7 Green Apple are the closest thing there is...3.6/5
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