I should mention that Liquid Z Orange Mango is fifty percent juice, but when I poured it out it looked far less dense than most I've seen. Upon first sip, I was greeted by a thin and lightly carbonated orange juice flavour that lacked a fitting sourness and tartness. Both of the two are present, but they're much too faint when compared to the popular morning drink. The orange juice flavour itself actually tastes decently authentic, but without much sweetness. The flavour then allows ample focus on a soon to dominate tangerine taste. The tangerine, while lacking the sense of naturalness of the orange, is wholly appropriate with the lesser tart and sourness. Embroidered to the proceeding fruit is the namesake mango. It's treated more or less like a note, and this along with a newly appearing pear finishes the flavour. The overall carbonation wasn't overwhelming and actually kind of enhanced the flavour; adding a sense of partial excitement. But in the end, Liquid Z Orange Mango doesn't reinvent the overly exhausted flavour nor does it give drinkers anything they haven't tasted before.
Ingredient-wise, Liquid Z Orange Mango is even less impressive than its taste or can. Each can only contains: caffeine(100mg) taurine, inositol, and several B vitamins. That's right, you read that caffeine content correctly, only 100mg per can. That's only fifty per eight ounces! The last time I saw a drink with that low of a caffeine content was Wired X Berry Rush, but at least that drink was large and could give me a kick better than Mtn Dew. The buzz lasted under one and a half hours, with partial jitters and no crash. All in all, The only redeemable thing about Liquid Z Orange Mango is its can. Not because it looked good, but because if you bring it to a redemption center, you can get five cents back.
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