Inko's White Tea Energy initially has a modest bitter undertone that's covered mostly by an unpleasant syrupiness. Following is a scarcely sweet lemon that would taste wholly authentic if it wasn't for its lack of sourness. Succeeding is a white tea taste that has a fairly strong earthiness to it that blends and feels natural with a growing level of bitterness. The bitterness is steadily noticeable throughout, but thanks to the tea it never feels aggressive or arresting, only fitting. The experience ends with a slight ginger bite that complements the tea positively. The lack of carbonation is unfortunate, as I seldom enjoy teas without it. The liquid is smooth drinking, and only mildly tart nearing the conclusion. Overall, my opinion of Inko's White Tea's taste is unneeded for those who like white tea and for those who don't. All you need to know is that it tasted like what it's supposed to, nothing else.
Each can contains: caffeine(184.8mg), guarana, ginseng, and a couple vitamins. This cocktail was indeed lacking several ingredients common with energy drinks, but that's fairly usual for an all natural drink. I was energized for a bit over three and a half hours, and during then I had no jitters and with its end came no crash. I found Inko's White Tea Energy in the organic health section at an upscale grocery store, and even though I feel my money would have been better spent on something else, for those who this drink is intended to I doubt are going to consider my review, and for those who aren't, I doubt my review will make them want to become part of that market.
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