Wednesday, May 19, 2010

NX Lean & Mean Energy Drink Review

NX Lean & Mean is the sugar free version of NX Speed Freak, and while its sub name "Lean and Mean" sounds great, it doesn't have too much to do with vehicles, like the other varieties in the line. The bottle, unlike NX Hot Fuel, is black, and it perfectly offsets the silver and blue colour scheme of the label. The design itself is busy, with text clashing against the background pattern. And while overall it remains edgy and gives of a "tough" vibe, I would like it cleaned up a bit. Some of the text is rather useless, like "Crash-proof Energy" and "with Quercetin." I believe they're intended to be selling points, but they just end up being pointless.

Continuing the tradition of strange and unsightly colours, Lean and Mean pours out a neon yellow that resembles hyper brightened banana puree. The almost harsh bubbly liquid has a vibrant mango taste as its initial focal point, with strong following notes of apple, grapefruit, and papaya. The Papaya soon blends evenly with the mango, and the grapefruit trails behinds, continually gaining strength, but never reaching its potential. The power of the flavour braid then quickly diminishes to a much smoother, albeit an abridged version of its once more complex, if not complete self. Then a fairly tangy and sour taste of guava surfaces, but it doesn't add much to the flavour. There's a mild sugar free taste that then appears, and it's cleverly intertwined with the still rough carbonation, which ends up making the experience taste like the formulators weren't limited by the sugar free marking. All in all, when compared to other similar looking lines(cough NOS cough), Lean and Means flavour is easy to drink and tastes great.

Being 300 calories and seventy five gram of sugar less than Hot Fuel, Lean and Mean didn't give me an instant rush of energy, but instead a more gradual building kick that lasted about the same amount of hours; four. Each bottles contains: caffeine(240mg), quercetin, vitamin C, and vitamin B3. Overall, I think that taste-wise, NX Lean & Mean will inadvertently draw strong comparisons to the highly regarded xenergy Mango Guava. And while it's not quite as good, being compared is an honor in itself.

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