Mango is a prolific example of the general flavour, though it's muffled majorly and is more artificial than palatably pleasing. Grapefruit adorns the antecedent though it too is spayed of it's authenticity and tastes suppressed of the anticipated crispness. They invalidate any tartness, sourness, and really any sort of vibrancy from relieving the two from their ever constant state of boredom. Neither fruits inherently require a pronounced sweetness, especially with their numb representation of their nature inspiration, which thankfully prevents the exclusive exercising of synthetic sugars from ever really tasting improperly done. This doesn't, however, keep the counterfeit honey from leaving a rather thick aftertaste, and with the actual flavourings being stupidly mild, it becomes an unnecessarily enunciated feature of the experience. Overall, though it isn't abhorrent or anything, Kronik Low Carb Blue Citrus just doesn't taste very good, but in its defense, it really didn't have a good flavour to interpret.
Each can contains: various vitamins of either B or C, caffeine(150mg), taurine, guarana, ginseng, and ginkgo. The prior ingredients kicked me decently for above two hours, and while the myriad of different ingredients was impressive, the amount of each wasn't anything special. In the end, the original Kronik Blue Citrus wasn't very good, and neither is the sugar free variety.
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