FIRST IMPRESSION: Where as a lot of energy product's have a mean or aggressive look, Revive Energy Mints went for a more health-food store look. The packaging is colourful thanks to all the fruits on the box. The box area is rather big, where as the text size is small so even though some of the text isn't necessary, it never clutters up the box. At first, I though that the flavour was going to be some sort of mixed fruit, but apparently it just contains fruit extracts(or something along those lines) and really is a generic mint flavour. Overall, the box seems like it would look great next to a protein bar at Whole Foods Market, but not anywhere else.
TASTE: I opened the box, took out a mint, popped the mint out of the blister pack and into my mouth. The flavour is pretty standard when it comes to mints. If I had to describe the taste I would say that it consists mostly of peppermint that cools your whole mouth down. There is a mild bitter taste, but thankfully it is quickly overthrown by the peppermint. The consistency is smooth, and stays smooth throughout the whole life of the mint. Overall, Revive Mints taste just like what they are supposed to taste like, mints.
KICK: Since I'm used to around 150-200mg of caffeine, I consumed two mints. Each mint contains: eighty five mg of Caffeine, Guarana, Green Tea, Ginseng, Acai, Mangosteen and Goji. This blend of ingredients gave me a pretty good buzz. For around three and a half hours I felt mentally uplifted and had a good amount of energy. Once the three+ hours was up these feelings gradually declined. Overall while the buzz was good, it wasn't as good as Foosh.
FINAL WARD: While I am disappointed that the flavour wasn't mixed fruit, I can't say that I'm disappointed with Revive Mints. Actually, for the most part I'm impressed. While nothing was great, in each category it passed with good remarks. If I could improve one thing it would have to be the taste. While it tasted like what you would expect from a mint, it just seems like a wasted opportunity to create an original and unique flavour. That aside, at the retail price of $.99 for two mints, Revive Mints are worth every penny...3.8/5
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