Wednesday, February 18, 2009

vitaminenergy dragonfruit

In a quest to review the vitaminenergy line for some god DAMN PEACE AND QUITE from their lawyers, I decided to try the last vitaminenergy in the line, Dragonfruit. Now, I don't know if its that I'm stupid or something, but aren't dragons made of meat, not fruit? I don't know... the whole vitaminenergy line has been a rather disappointment, but there's hope that there last flavour, dragonfruit, will be an awesome... great... good... decent... yeah decent drink.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can's much better than fruit punch or tropical citrus, though that's like saying that getting my left arm ripped off hurt less than when I had my right arm ripped off. Though I'm still mad that they just put a label on the can, I will praise them for putting a different saying on each flavour. Thank god, I never though this would happen. Monster, Joker, and many other energy drink companies don't bother putting a unique text on each flavour. Could the world be coming to an end because of this new idea, or is the world coming to an end because the new Friday the 13th didn't suck? I'll let you be the judge...3/5

TASTE: I took a sip and was hit with a light, almost too light berry flavour. Its very easy to drink, as it has a low carbonation level. Overall, easily the best tasting in the whole vitaminenergy line. I like the flavour, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have its flaws. For starters, the flavours simply too light, you can barely notice it. Another thing that's gonna knock a couple of points off its final score is this weird after taste that's hard to describe, though its not too bad, and it gets less noticeable with time, its still there...3.5/5

KICK: Each can contains: 150 mg of caffeine, 2000 mg of Taurine, 200 mg of Bioenergy Ribose, 200% of Vit. C, B3, B6, B12, B5, and Folic Acid. This mix gave me a decent buzz, though this shouldn't be downed if your in the need for some quick and powerful energy. This buzz is more for frolicking in the garden, and going au naturel...3/5

FINAL WARD: Overall, I feel that vitaminenergy dragonfruit is a decent health energy drink, though one(1) should probably stick with the Xenergy line for a great tasting, powerful, healthy energy drink. Or the GURU line, really, after remembering about the GURU and Xenergy lines, I really see no reason for buying vitaminenerg-*SLAP* vitaminenergy dragonfruit was a awesome drink, so go out an buy it(damn lawyers...)...3.1/5

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